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Jeasus's death had many significances to the Christians. First of all, They believe that it took away all of their sins for doing certain things ( but they could still accumulate new ones). Also the Romans who killed him blamed the Jews for it, which caused much antisemitism.

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His Death Paid the Price for our sins.

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Q: What is the significance Death of jesus?
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What was the significance of Jesus' death?

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What significance did Jesus' death have for the Romans?

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No significance in Judaism.Answer:Judaism spends no time on that subject. In our view, he was a regular human being and died as such. As far as the role of Jews in bringing about his death, the Pope has already famously said that the Jews are not to be blamed for this.

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First, his followers did not proclaim him as messiah. He called himself the messiah. Second, the most important event in Jesus' ministry is his death on the cross. He took the punishment of all mankind (Punishment for sins is death. Sins are what we call a bad deed or wrong-doing.) and conquered death in the process. He rose again 3 days later to prove he conquered death.