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There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. This was the person's past and his/her memories, but it doesn't mean he/she loves that other person. When my husband was 20 he dated a German girl, she went back to Germany and he followed her wanting to get engaged to her only to find her going with another guy. I have a full album of pictures of the two of them and his trip to Germany. A confident woman is never jealous of these things. They are only memories! Take a look at some of your pictures. Bet you have a few pictures of old boyfriends/girlfriends and perhaps letters from one of them. When we start growing older and near the end of our lives memories are the things that keep us warm, comfortable. Marcy I think it depennds some people just want to hold on to memories others are waiting for that person to come back. So you just have to be careful, and be truthful with them. Ask or see ther past as the past, and ignore it. What happens happens you cant change that, and you cant choose your own destiny.

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Q: What is the significance of a a partner holding onto notes cards and other things from past relationships?
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It’s important you discuss these things with your partner as they would help give you and your partner a better understanding of what each of you want for the future.

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Have a good relationship with your partner or spouse. For example, if your partner or spouse lost his/her's job, give them encouraging words and let them and make them know that you car, you are there for them and you'll always be there for them. Another good example, if you and your partner/spouse get into an argument, whether your spouse/ partner is right or wrong, just agree with their opinion but, still state your opinion too just to express how you feel. Incidents like this one mainly is the case where violence occurs. That's why if you do get into an argument, it takes maturity which most relationships today lack. Another tip that helps is that to talk about the things you and your spouse/partner like best. It helps to knoe them very well. And if you don't, know the things that comfortthem and the things that make them upset so you can use those comfort topics to make things better. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and DOES NOT applt to everyone's relationship with his/ her's spouse or partner. These tips can help get one step away from abuse or violence and one step closer to getting along and preventing violence in relationships.

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