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Q: What is the significance of Batman on top of the rooftop?
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How do you get on your roof top on build a bear ville?

You can't go on top of your rooftop unless you purchase a rooftop at Lumbear Yard.

How do you get to the rooftop on Club Penguin?

click on the sign that say "to top".

Where is the flower on a magical rooftop in Fantage?

on top of the wizard's domain

How do you get up on top of the theater on buildabearvillecom?

I am very sorry, but there is no way to get on top of the Theater in Bearville. However, there are 2 other rooftop locations in Bearville - The Secret Coffee Shop and the Bearville Outfitters Rooftop.

Who is the top villain in Batman?

The riddler, he is the smartest and most intelligent villain in batman

Where to get helicopter in gtA Liberty City stories?

on top of rockford lcpd station rooftop

Is it up on a rooftop or housetop?

rooftop The correct answer is rooftop.

Why is Batman on top of a building?

Batman can't see what is going on in Gotham from the ground. Therefore, he must go to the top of the building to see what is happening.

How do you get past chapter 1-2 on the golden compass ds?

Im stick on that level myself. I went in the attic ant got on the top level but not onto the rooftop. On the top level (not on the rooftop) there should be a stain glass window. Open it. Its a door!

How do you get on top of the buildabear workshop on Build-a-Bearville?

There is no way to get on top of the Build-A-Bear Workshop in Bearville. You can, however, get on the rooftop of the Bearville Outfitters Store. To do this, click on the red and black trampoline located right next to the Bearville Outfitters store and you'll get to the Bearville Outfitters Rooftop.

Where is the beanstalk on early poptropica?

On top of the Rooftop Restaurant. You'll need to use the clothesline to get up there though.

What is roof top gardening?

Rooftop gardens are used for their beauty and energy savings. They can help cool your house.