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examples of man's significance to language

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Q: What is the significance of man language in his daily activity?
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What is the significance of language in his daily activities?

examples of man's significance to language

What are some situation showing the significance of man's language in hid daily activities?

Language is important because people can communicate. When someone is sick and needs help, language allows them to tell others what they need help with each day.

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The study of man and its philosophy in life is the philosophy of man. It is subdivided into several branches that include ethics.

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The old man in "The Old Man and the Bridge" symbolizes resilience and determination. Through his daily task of repairing the bridge, he represents the human ability to persevere in the face of adversity. The story highlights the importance of dedication and purpose in life.

Daily calories for man of 45?

It may be related to your gender, age, weight, height and your daily activity. Here is formula for your reference. Male:[66 + 1.38 x weight(kg) + 5 x height(cm) - 6.8 x age] x activity Female:[65.5 + 9.6 x weight(kg) + l.9 x height(cm) - 4.7 x age] x activity

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Language did not create man. God created man, and man came up with language. But God gave man everything he needed to create language. A mind, a way to think, feelings that urge us to communicate with others.

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The daily calorie intake for a normal healthy man should be 2500 a day.

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