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'Sit - in's are when black people sat in cafes waiting to be served but never were. They ended up 'sitting - in' most of the day, even when the cafe/bar owner tried to kick them out, they stayed exactly where they were. This happened in the 1950s and 1960s.

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Q: What is the sit ins in the south?
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Related questions

Where were sit ins and freedom riders advocated?

Sit ins and Freedom Rides were advocated mostly in the South. Georgia and Tennessee are two states that were notoriously known for their sit ins and Freedom Rides.

What short term affects did sit-ins have on the south?

segregationists became more violent

How do you put sit-ins in a sentence?

Sit-ins were a common form of protest in the 1960s. People used to be arrested for participating in sit-ins.

When did Nashville sit-ins happen?

Nashville sit-ins happened in 1960.

What form of civil disobedience did blacks use in 1961 to end segregation in the south?

They had sit-ins.

What is the plural of sit-in?

The plural form of sit-in is sit-ins.

What did the SNCC focus on?

They were focused on Civil Rights by using a strategy of Sit-Ins which they sit in a store or buliding not moving this usually happened in the white's areas.

What is the result of the lunch counter sit ins?

The success of the lunch counter sit-ins led to the Freedom Rides in 1961.

Which group was formed by students doing lunch counter sit-ins across the South in 1960?

SDS. Students for a democratic society.

New civil rights technique developed in the 1960s to desegregate lunch counters and other public facilities in the south?

Sit-Ins were a method to desegregate lunch counters in more then 200 cities. This was a beginning step of the non violent movement to change segregation.

What were sit ins for?

To demand that businesses let people sit where they want

Who was involved in the sit ins?

four people