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I think it is safe to believe that it depends on the processor architecture. When you say 128-bit computer, this may mean different things. There is no such thing as an "128 bit computer". The design may allow 128bit core (processor) in which case an int most likely be 128bit. Or it may imply that only the bus is 128 bit. Or both. One may assume that on the 128bit Intel processor when it becomes available , the size of an integer data type will be 128bit IF it has an 128bit core, and not just the bus.

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Q: What is the size of int in 128 bit computer?
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Write a program to print the format c co com comp compu comput compute computer?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { char a[]="computer"; int i,j; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<i+1;j++) { printf("%c",a[j]); } printf("\n"); } getch(); }

Syntax of printf?

I think you can use 'printf' like blew, int printf( const char *format [, argument]... );int _printf_l( const char *format, locale_t locale [, argument]... );int wprintf( const wchar_t *format [, argument]... );int _wprintf_l( const wchar_t *format, locale_t locale [, argument]... );at the same time, I give a example using the 'printf',/** * example using the 'printf' */include int main() { int e; int i; e = _set_printf_count_output( 1 ); printf( "%%n support was %sabled.\n", e ? "en" : "dis" ); printf( "%%n support is now %sabled.\n", _get_printf_count_output() ? "en" : "dis" ); printf( "12345%n6789\n", &i ); // %n format should set i to 5 printf( "i = %d\n", i ); }

A Write a procedure to implement highlight as a blinking operation?

The function textattr in conio.h can be use for this purpose a small program has presented here... #include<conio.h> int main() { textattr(129); cprintf("My name is Lord Blade..."); return 0; } here in the textattr till 128 only colors would be set and more than it colors with blink.

What is the best class for a UM in shaiya?

A Mage is ver good ( if you know a good build) for example 3 rec 6 int until level 25 then full int.

Instruction INT 20H is used to?

Interrupt 20 ( AKA INT 20, int 20h, INT 20H) is the 33rd entry in the standard PC interrupt table. The '20' is hexadecimal notation (hence the use of the H or h, which may actually be required by some assemblers whereas others assume entries are hexadecimal) for decimal thirty-two (32) but counting starts from zero, as is usually the case in Computer Science.Int 20 is known as "DOS Terminate" and will end execution of the code at that point and return control to DOS (or the DOS-like environment which called it). It looks at the CS register (a standard 80x86 register which was intended to 'point' to the segment where the code was loaded - Code Segment) and returns nothing by way of register or stack.Simple Answer: this is an instruction used in very small and typically very old DOS programs to terminate themselves quickly and with a minimum of effort, it probably ought not to be used today, research Int 21 instead (the so-called 'DOS Interrupt').N.B.: This instruction could also refer to other architectures and thus be very different, e.g. AIX, VMS, etc. My answer is PC & DOS specific as this is the most likely context for this question.

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Is it true that the largest size for integer types is long int?

It is 'long long int' meaning 64 bit (8 byte).

How many bytes are allocated to an int in C?

16 bit and 32 bit are the most common values. See sizeof.

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#include<iostream> #include<time.h> #include<iomanip> #include<string> void swap(int& x, int& y) { x^=y^=x^=y; } void bubble_sort(int* A, int size) { while(size) { int n=0; for(int i=1; i<size; ++i) { if(A[i-1]>A[i]) { swap(A[i-1], A[i]); n=i; } } size=n; } } void insertion_sort(int* A, int size) { for(int i=1; i<size; ++i) { int value=A[i]; int hole=i; while( hole && value<A[hole-1] ) { A[hole]=A[hole-1]; --hole; } A[hole]=value; } } void selection_sort(int* A, int size) { for(int i=0; i<size-1; ++i) { int j=i; for(int k=i+1; k<size; ++k) if(A[k]<A[j]) j=k; if( i!=j ) swap(A[i],A[j]); } } void sort(int* A, int size, int sort_type) { switch(sort_type) { case(0): bubble_sort( A, size ); case(1): insertion_sort( A, size ); case(2): selection_sort( A, size ); } } int* copy_array(int* A, int size) { int* copy=new int[size]; memcpy(copy, A, size*sizeof(int)); return(copy); } void print_array(int* A, int size, char* prompt) { std::cout<<prompt<<"\t"; for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) std::cout<<std::setw(2)<<A[i]<<" "; std::cout<<std::endl; } int get_rand(int range_min=0, int range_max=RAND_MAX) { return((int) ((double)rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1) * ((range_max + 1) - range_min) + range_min)); } int input_char(std::string prompt, std::string input) { char ch; do { std::cout<<prompt<<": "; std::cin>>ch; } while(input.find(ch)==std::string::npos); return(input.find(ch)%(input.size()/2)); } int main() { srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); int size = get_rand( 10, 80); if( int* A = new int[size] ) { for( int i=0; i<size; ++i ) A[i]=get_rand( 1, size ); int choice=input_char("Please select a sorting method:\n[B]ubble, [I]nsert, [S]election", "bisBIS"); std::cout<<"You chose "; switch(choice) { case(0): std::cout<<"bubble"; break; case(1): std::cout<<"insertion"; break; case(2): std::cout<<"selection"; break; } std::cout<<" sort...\n"<<std::endl; print_array( A, size, "Before sorting" ); sort(A, size, choice); print_array( A, size, "After sorting" ); delete [] A; } return(0); }

Get size of int using sizeoff?

printf ("sizeof (int) = %d\n", (int)sizeof (int));

What is the abbrevations for int?

"int" is the abbreviation for an integer data type. In Java an int is specifically a 32-bit signed integer.

What will be if java program is being shifted from 64 bit machine to 32 bit machine?

A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.

Maximum static memory size in c plus plus?

The maximum size of an array in C++ is the same as the maximum number that can be represented by an int (usually 2,147,483,647 elements, or just over 2 billion). An int is defined as being dependent on a CPU's architecture, so the 2 billion number is based on 32-bit compilation. Some 64-bit processors also compile to a 32-bit int, and would be limited to just over 2 billion elements. Available memory is also a consideration on the maximum size of an array. The larger the elements, the fewer elements you can achieve. This is unlikely to be a problem on 64-bit systems, but on 32-bit systems it could be.

What is the maximum size of int what happes when we cross that limit?

The maximum size of INT is 1. If you go over then it will be an error.

Write a program that sort any array of integers using pointers?

#include<iostream> void insertion_sort(int* a,int len) { for(int i=1; i<len; ++i) { int* hole=a+i; int* prev=hole-1; int cur=*hole; while(hole!=a && cur<*(prev)) { *(hole)=*(prev); --hole, --prev; } *hole=cur; } } void print_array(int* a,int len) { for(int i=0; i<len; ++i) std::cout<<a[i]<<" "; std::cout<<std::endl; } int main() { int a[]={9,1,8,3,7,2,5,4,6}; int size=sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); std::cout<<"Before:\t"; print_array(a,size); insertion_sort(a,size); std::cout<<"After:\t"; print_array(a,size); return(0); }

Long int size?

sizeof (long int) usually 4 or 8

What is the size of an identifier declared as integer in C?

int myvar; printf ("size of myvar is %d\n", (int)sizeof (myvar));

In c language size of data type int?

printf ("sizeof (int) is %d bytes", (int)sizeof (int)); Most likely it will be 2 or 4.