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Q: What is the smallest Galilean moon?
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Related questions

Is Deimos a Galilean moon?

No. It is a moon of Mars. The Galilean moons are moons of Jupiter.

What is the biggest Galilean moon?

Ganymede is the largest Galilean moon, the largest Jovian moon, and the largest moon in the solar system.

Is charon a galilean moon?

Charon is a moon of Pluto. [See related question] To be a Galilean moon you have to be one of the four major moons of Jupiter.

What planet has the galilean moon?


How do the four Galilean moons differ from each other?

Ganymede is the largest moon and it is thought to have liquid water under the surface. Callisto is the second largest and has the most craters of any known planet, moon, or asteroid. Io is the most volcanically active moon in the solar system. Europa is the smallest of the Galilean moons and is the most likely to have liquid water.

What are Galilean moon physical properties?


Which galilean moon is known for its icy surface?


What is the name of the innermost moon of Jupiter?

The innermost Galilean moon is Io. It's a veritable volcano in space, being stressed by Jupiter's tidal forces.Comment : I think the innermost moon (not just of the Galilean moons) is Metis.

What Galilean moon has the shortest sidereal period?

twenty juan

What Galilean Moon has the fastest revolution?

Io, the closest of the Galilean Moons has the fastest revolution with an orbital period on only 42.5 hours.

Is titan a galilean moon?

No. The Galilean moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) discovered by Galileo. Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, discovered by Christiaan Huygens.

What is the orbital period of revolution Io Galilean moon?

around the sun