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The smallest tank you can breed a betta in has to be at least 5 gallons. 10 gallons is the best though :)

Beta's have been breed in smaller tanks, though. My moms betas bred in a three gallon tank, even though she wasn't intending to breed them. However, out of that bach, only three fry survived.

Also, you don't want to fill the tank all the way. Spawning tanks should be filled to only three to five inches. It makes it easier on the male to keep the fry in the bubble nest, and it can make spawning itself quicker on the male and female.

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Q: What is the smallest tank you can breed a betta fish in?
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1 gallon tank what type of fish can you put in it?

A 1 gallon tank could have one betta fish, but you will need to be diligent about changing the water on a regular basis. The smallest tank that should be used, even for a betta, is a 2.5 gallon tank as it at least gives the fish swimming room.

Can you breed fighter fish in an nonaerated unheated tank?

maybe if you have a warm house. but if you plan on breeding Betta fish in under 70 degree water, let alone housing them, your betta fish will probably die.

Can a male betta fish be living in the same fish tank with a female betta fish?

No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.

Do you have to have a plant in a tank with a betta fish?

You don't have to, but the Betta Fish likes it because they can sleep in the plant.

What is the best home for a betta fish?

well you first need at least a one gallon fish bowl and fish gravel and plants and stuff for them to hide in. fish food, and give them every once in a wile betta fish treats for fat.

What type of fish can live in a 1.5 fish tank?

A Betta fish!

Will betta fish go with male betta fish?

keeping multiple bettas in the same tank is not reccomended

Should you remove the bobbles from your male betta tank?

There is no need to remove them. The fish is building his nest and is ready to breed he will only make more.

What are good starter tank kits for betta fish?

betta bowl. it is amazing

Can you put an angelfish and a betta fish in the same tank?

No...betta fish are usually aggressive and might kill the angelfish.

What kind of fish will be easy to breed and will get along with your other fish if you have a 10-gallon aquarium with a betta angelfish molly sepae tetra and a cleaner?

You don't! What you do is get a 55 gallon tank because angelfish won't be happy in a 10 gallon tank, and then you take the betta out of the tank (it will fight with your other fish) and just get more mollies and put lots of hiding places in the tank so the babies will live.

What other fish will not fight will a Betta in the same tank?

Male Betta splendens fight with other male Betta splendens so the answer is most other fish will not fight with a Betta in the same tank. To try to list every species of fish here would be impossible.