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Depends on the type of fat. Saturated fats like butter generally have low smoking points whereas polyunsaturated fats like sunflower oil have high.

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Q: What is the smoke point of fat?
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What quality must a fat possess in order to be suitable for deep frying?

A high smoke-point.

Do fat people smoke?

Some people who are overweight or obese may smoke, just like people of any size may smoke. Factors such as stress, social influences, or personal choices can contribute to someone deciding to smoke. It’s important to focus on supporting individuals in making healthy choices rather than making assumptions based on their size.

What is smoke point of fat?

Depends on the type of fat. Saturated fats like butter generally have low smoking points whereas polyunsaturated fats like sunflower oil have high.

Can you mix soybean oil and canola oil when deep frying?

Yes, different oils can be mixed in deep fat frying, but one needs to be aware of the smoke point of different oils. For example, olive oil is not used for deep frying because it has a low smoke point. Peanut oil and lard have higher smoke points.

Smoke point and flash point what can happend to oil?

Smoke point: reaching this temperature the oil support a thermal dissociation (and degradation) process: formation of glycerol and fatty acids, acrolein, etc. A great smoke point is a quality for an edible oil. Flash point: temperature of combustion; the flash point is of course greater than the smoke point.

What is the odor of coconut oil in acrolein test?

The smell of acrolein is that of burnt fat (when cooking oil is heated to its smoke point). This is caused by the breaking down of glycerol into acrolein when burning (or overheating, pyrolizing) fat.

What are the characteristics of shortening?

Characteristics of shortening is the natural rendering of animal fat. Shortening has semi-solid fats, contain less water and have a higher smoke point than margarine and butter.

What happens if you smoke cannabis and go 2 gym?

Have you ever wondered why you get the munchies after you smoke? Well THC encapsulates the fat cell causing your system to believe that those fat cells are gone, therefore you need to replenish your reserves. So If you go to the gym after you smoke but don't kill the Doritos first you will theoretically burn more fat.

What is the ignition temperature of vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil reaches a smoke point before it reaches its boiling point. Its smoke point is around 495F and its boiling point edges up towards 572F.

Why are marijuana smokers not overweight?

cause if you smoke enough it eats away fat.

How do you promote healtier heart?

Exercise and low fat diet. And don't smoke.

What is the AMA opinion on medical marijuana?

Fat people dont get smoke weed