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Q: What is the solvent in black coffee?
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What is the solvent and the solute in coffee?

Solvent = WATER Solute = COFFEE and CREAM

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What are solutes and solvent in coffee and water?

In coffee, solutes refer to the substances that dissolve in water, such as soluble coffee compounds, sugars, and acids. Water acts as the solvent, which is the substance in which solutes dissolve. So, in coffee, water is the solvent and the solutes include the coffee compounds, sugars, and acids.

Is instant coffee drink and instant tea drink liquid solution if it is right what is solute and solvent for them?

water is the solvent, coffee is the solute

In a cup of instant coffee what is the solvent?

Hot water will be the solvent , sugar and the coffee powder will be the solutes

What is the substance that does the dissolving solute and solvent becoming evenly mixed?

okay let's say your putting sugar into coffee the solute is the sugar and solvent is the coffee. The Solvent coffee dissolves the solute "sugar" homogeneously amongst the solution. So the answer to your question is the solvent does the dissolving

What is the solvent and solute of coffee?

The solvent is water; the solute is ground roasted coffee beans (in addition to sugar, salt, cream and whatever else you prefer to add)!

The water in the cup of coffee is the what?


The water in a cup of coffee is the?


If you dissolve instant coffee in hot water the water is solvent solute solution or suspension?

Well the answer for this question was that when you take water and the other ingredient to mix them together was to be a coffee, that was solvent and solute. while solution was the coffee. the suspension was nothing.

What is the characteristic of coffee in solution or solvent?


What is the solute and solvent coffee?

The solvent is water; the solute is ground roasted coffee beans (in addition to sugar, salt, cream and whatever else you prefer to add)!