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Mainly the Sun.

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Q: What is the source of light you see from the moon?
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Is moon a source of light?

The moon's light is reflected from the sun, so the moon itself is not a source of light. The light you see is light hitting the moon from the sun.

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Is the sun direct light?

Yes because it is a source of light. However, the moon is not direct light as it is not a source. It reflects the light of the sun and that is why we see the moon as 'shining.'

What is the light source that allows us to see the moon?

The Sun.

What is the source of the of the Moon's light?

The moon itself does not emit light, we only see it because it reflects the sun's light towards us.

What is the same about the moon and sun?

you can see both from earth, only the sun is a light source. the moon reflects the suns light

What is the main source of the Moon's light?

The moon itself does not emit light, we only see it because it reflects the sun's light towards us.

The moon is a source of light?

Yes, but it is not a "direct source" of its light. The Moon, like the Earth, is illuminated by the light of the Sun. The moonlight that we see is simply the part of the sunlight that is reflected by the lunar surface. This is easily seen by the phases of the Moon, when only part of the Moon's lighted surface is visible from Earth, and we cannot see the non-illuminated portion.During an eclipse of the Moon, the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, so very little light makes it to the Moon.When there is a new moon phase, the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, so we cannot see any of the illuminated part of the Moon.

What is The source of light that enables astronomers to see Jupiter through a telescope?

The moon

Can you explain why the moon is not a source of light?

The moon is not a source of light because it simply reflects the suns light, therefore it is not a direct source of light

What is the source of the light that you see during the Moon's phases?

The light on the sun reflects off the moon and on to earth sorry the first one was messed up