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Q: What is the sovereignty of the monarch?
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Who has the supreme power or sovereignty in Vatican?

The pope is the absolute monarch of the Vatican.

Another name for a king and queen?

Monarchy, sovereignty, crown, command, throne...Monarch; sovereign; ruler

Is there another term for monarchy?

A monarchy is a system of government headed by a monarch, the same way a sovereignty is headed by a sovereign.

Classification of sovereignty?

classification of sovereignty and elements of sovereignty and characteristic of sovereignty

How many countries are under United Kingdom Sovereignty?

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the constinutional monarch of 16 soverign states, and head of the 54 member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.

How did the dual monarchy of Austria--Hungary function?

The Habsburg monarch ruled as Emperor of Austria and the King of Hungary ruled over the Kingdom of Hungary. Both rulers had a great deal of individual sovereignty, but worked together on issues like foreign relations and defense.

Definition dominat sovereignty and nominal sovereignty?

nominal sovereignty is the authority to only rule in name where substantial sovereignty or dominant sovereignty means real or actual authority

What is it called when the people have the power to make decisions about government?

popular sovereignty

What sovereignty was Stephen Douglas?

Popular Sovereignty

What does sovereignty mean in Tamil?

Sovereignty - Yiraiyaanmai

How do you use sovereignty in a sentence?

The country asserts its sovereignty by governing itself independently without external interference.

What states are under the sovereignty?

The states of the United States have sovereignty, but not absolute sovereignty. Some of the powers of sovereignty are ascribed in the U.S. Constitution to the federal government.