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The synapse is the space between pre- and post-synaptic neurons

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Q: What is the spce between two neurons where the axon of a sending neuron communicates with the dendrites of a receiving neuron by using chemical messages called?
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What is the receiving part of a brain cell?

The receiving part of a brain cell is called the dendritic tree. Dendrites are small branching structures that protrude from the cell body of a neuron. They receive electrical signals and chemical messages from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body.

The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information signals from other neurons is called?

Dendrites are the part of a neuron which receives chemical messages (neurotransmitters) through synapses.Mostly the dendrites receive messages from other neurons, but the cell bodies of neurons also receive direct synaptic inputs from other cells.

What is a part of a neuron that receives messages?

Usually the dendrites receive messages (this end of the neuron is thus referred to as the receiving end)

What acts like antennas receiving messages from as many as 10000 other cells and transmitting these messages toward the cell body?

Receptors on cell surface. Dendrites

What messages provide chemical information that prevents or decreases the likelihood that the receiving neuron will fire?

Inhibitory Messages

Do axons carry messages received by the dendrites to other neurons?

Yes! The axon carries messages received by the dendrites to other neurons.

What carries messages to the cell body?


Do the dendrites receive or send messages?


How doe the brain control the body?

By sending and receiving messages through the nervus system.Your brain controls your body using nerves and communicates somehow with your muscles.C.Burgess

Carries messages to the cell body of a neuron?


Do dendrites receive chemical or electrical messages from other cells?

both, but usually biochemical since the synaptic gap is normally too wide for bioelectrical signals to cross.

What body tissue transmits messages throughout the body?

The axons and dendrites.