

What is the squiggly part of a light bulb at the bottom?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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The base.

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Q: What is the squiggly part of a light bulb at the bottom?
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Is circuit part of a light bulb?

A light bulb can be part of a circuit.

What part of speech is the word light bulb?

"light bulb" is a noun.

What do you need to have a simple circuit?

Take a battery, a wire and a little light bulb. Put the wire on the flat part of the battery then put the other end of the wire on the side part of the bottom of the light bulb. Put the end of the light bulb on the top of the battery, dont touch the wire to the top when the light bulb is on it because is either shocks you or doesnt work.

How a lamp lights with the use of electricity?

a light bulb as the ones used in lamps. lights by fine filament inside the sealed vacuum bulb. one side of the filament connects to the bottom raised portion. the other end of filament connects to the silver screw in part. when the light bulb is screwed all the way down, the bottom of the bulb hits the slightly raised flap at the bottom of the socket. pos.+. and the side of socket is in contact with the side of bulb. Neg.-.put on switch and and electricity flows through the filament, you have light.

Is dim light part of head bulb light?

no it is where the gray or black part at

The part of a light bulb that is a poor conductor so that the friction causes it to light up and glow?

That part of a light bulb that causes light to light up is called the filament, and it is typically made from tungsten.

Are you supposed to wrap the copper wire around the light bulb when making a potato powered light bulb?

You have to connect one conductor from potato to one terminal on light bulb and the other to the second conductor. Your light bulb must be a low voltage and low current bulb because a potato delivers very little power. Light bulbs that screw in would have one connection point on the screw in part and one at the bottom of the base of the bulb. It would be best to put the bulb in a socket that would allow easier connection of wires instead of trying to wrap the wire around the bulb.

What is the part of a light bulb that gets hot and produces lights?

In an incandescent light bulb this is the filament. It is usually made of tungsten.

What is the silver part of the light bulb made of?


What part of the bulb glows to produce light?

the filament

What is the Negative part of a light bulb?

the negative terminals

What is the part called that a light bulb fits into?
