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Q: What is the stable electron arrangement of sodium after the 3s sublevel electrons been removed?
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Which electron on an atom is the most likely one to be removed during a chemical reaction?

Electrons called valence electrons are most likely removed. These are the outermost energy level electrons.

When an atom changes to cation what happens to the number of electrons?

Electron/s are removed from the atom.

What is happening when an electron is removed from the valence shell of a noble gas?

Noble gases have completely filled valence electrons. so removla of electrons will make them unstable

How can the number of electrons in the outer main energy level of phosphorous be determined using the successive ionization energies?

As each electron is removed, the successive ionization energy values increase. However, the ionization energy increases a lot when the sixth electron is removed. This suggests that the sixth electron is removed from a shell which is closer to the nucleus.

Can different elements have the same amount of electrons?

They can have it only when one atom is neutral and other is ion For eg :carbon has 6 electrons,if in nitrogen one electron is removed thentheyaredifferent elements but have same electrons

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sublevel stoping is a mining method in which ore is blasted from different levels of elevation but is removed from one level at the bottom of the mine

Noble-gas electron configuration Pt?

[Xe] 4f^14 5d^8

What is electron beam lithography and how it work?

Electron beam lithography uses a focused beam of electrons to draw images on electron sensitive film. The beam changes the solubility of the film allowing the desired part to be removed by putting it in a solvent.

What is the electron shell that contains the most reactive electrons?

No electrons are reactive. Electrons can, under the huge majority of circumstances, only be removed starting from the outermost, working inwards.

How many electrons need to be removed from boron to form noble gases?

Boron must give up 3 electrons in order to achieve a noble-gas electron configuration.

For each successive electron removed from an atom the ionization energy does what?

The ionization energy would increase because the nucleus is going to pull the electrons tightly which will make it hard to lose an electron from an atom.

Why doesnt the mass number change when electrons are added or removed?

The mass of an electron is very small, almost negligible, compared to that of a proton or neutron.