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The status of English language proficiency of Filipino nursing students is good. All Filipino students are taught English early on in school in the Philippines.

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Q: What is the status of English language proficiency of filipino nursing students?
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Why do Filipino students have difficulty speaking in English?

There are several reasons why Filipino students may struggle with speaking in English, including limited exposure and practice in conversational English, cultural differences influencing communication styles, and lack of confidence due to fear of making mistakes. Additionally, differences in grammar, pronunciation, and syntax between English and Filipino languages can also lead to difficulties in speaking English fluently.

What are the factors that affect filipino's English proficiency?

The factors that affect the English proficiency of the filipinos are too much use of vernacular and lack of confidence in using the English language. Too much use of vernacular for the reason that students and even teachers uses their vernacular during class even if the subject is science, math and other subjects whose medium of instruction is in English. First, Teachers tend to use their dialect while teaching that they forget to use english as the medium of instruction because they believe that it would be easy for the students to understand the lesson. Second, students don't have listening and speaking activities inside the classroom especially during English calss. Moreover, students and teachers don't have the needed exposure for language learning. The other reason is the lack of confidence in using the language because filipinos are so conscious about what other people will say if their articulation is not that good. As a result they rather use their dialect/ vernacular when conversing. In general, proper exposure (listening and speaking activities)to English language learning and confidence in using it are the factors that affect the Filipinos proficiency in using the English language.

What does kuto mean in Filipino?

"Kuto" is the Filipino term for head lice, which are parasitic insects that live on the scalp and feed on blood.

Total English Elementary - Students book?

"Total English Elementary - Students book" is a beginner-level English language textbook designed for elementary learners. It covers basic language skills such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The book typically includes exercises, activities, and tasks to help students practice and improve their English proficiency.

What difficulties do Filipino students encounter when learning to speak English?

Filipino students may struggle with English pronunciation due to differences in phonetic sounds between Tagalog and English. Additionally, they may face challenges with grammar rules and sentence structure that differ from their native language. Cultural factors, such as fear of making mistakes and lack of exposure to authentic English-speaking environments, can also impact their proficiency in spoken English.

What is the definition of the English language proficiency for specialist audience?


English short stories translated to Filipino language?

The Filipino language is known as Tagalog. There are many English short stories which have been translated into the language.

What is the difference of teacher in English and teacher in Filipino?

Well A Filipino teacher uses Filipino language while English teacher use English language Easy as that well ti is just the language which differs but the lessons are just the same

Is there a research on the relationship of metacognition and English proficiency of senior English language major?

Yes, there is research on the relationship between metacognition and English proficiency in senior English language majors. Studies have shown that higher levels of metacognitive awareness and strategies are associated with better English language performance. Additionally, metacognitive skills such as self-monitoring and self-regulation have been linked to improved language learning outcomes in this population.

Why do Filipino students need to learn English?


How do you enhance proficiency in English language?

Perfect practice makes perfect.

What is English language proficiency all about?

English language proficiency is about having the knowledge and skills within the form and function of the English language to be able to properly conduct oneself in whatever form (i.e. speech or written) that is either presented or is being used by the person in question.