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Depends on your State, it can range between 3-6 years on average, and much higher in some States.

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Q: What is the statute of limitations for collection of a cash and go loan or post dated check?
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What is statute of limitations on stale dated checks?

Actually nothing. It is the responsibility of the person who received the cheque to deposit and encash it before the cheque becomes stale dated.

Are there any statute of limitations on an arrest warrant dated 1996 for dangerous drugs?

Warrants never expire. They exist until canceled by the judge.

What is the statute of limitations to probate a will in New Jersey?

There is no statute of limitations to probate a will in New Jersey. However, if a newer will is discovered after the probate of an earlier dated will or after grant of letters of administration in absence of a will, probate of the new will could be denied if distribution of assets has already occurred and it is impossible to recover them.

What is the statute of limitations for breach of contract in Florida?

It is to be five years but why wait you must send a reply by certified mail with return receipt requested to ensure that you are acknowledged through U.S.Postal Mail of which is dated and stamped!

Can you cash your check for January 3rd today the 31st?

No, a check dated in the future is a post dated check. Banks won't knowingly cash a post dated check.

What law prevents collection agencies from collecting post dated cheques?

The law preventing collection agencies from collecting post dated checks is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. You can learn more about this at the Wikipedia.

Is it legal to write a post dated check in Pennsylvania?

Yes, it is legal to write a post-dated check in Pennsylvania. However, banks are not obligated to honor post-dated checks, so there is a risk that the check could be deposited before the date written on it. It is recommended to communicate with the payee about the date the check should be deposited.

What is the value of a Lincoln Memorial penny collection dated 1959 1982?

75 dollars

Can you write a post-dated check?

Yes. You can write a post dated check. It is perfectly legal as long as the person to whom you gave the check doesnt submit it for cashing before the date you put on the check.

Are post dated checks followed by banking prodecures?

I cant share about every bank but i know that is a post dated check is presented at the bank i work at we will not honor it. That said, if a post dated check is dropped in the night deposit or ATM machine we really have no choice but to process it. It is technically illegal to write a post dated check.

What is the statute of limitations in Iowa for filing a medical malpractice suit?

If you owe a medical bill, you always owe it. There is no "statute" of limitations. If the medical provider gets a judgement against you, that judgement gets recorded on your credit report(s) (eg. Experian, Equifax, TransUnion). According to fair credit laws in your state, that judgement may have to be removed from your report(s) after a certain period of time, such as 7 or 10 years. But you still owe the money. Some debts are "charged off" after a while by creditors, just to get them off the books. If that happens, you are forgiven that date. Then, once the bad debt is removed from your credit report(s), it is as if you never had that debt. Actually, there is a statute of limitations on medical and other bills. Whoever wrote the answer above is not totally correct. Each state differs, but in Iowa, it is generally 5 years. Yes, if you owe a bill, you technically always owe it, unless the creditor "forgives" the debt. However, there is a statute of limitations as to how long they can take you to court and collect on it. In Iowa, for example, if you have a medical bill from say 2004, and it is still with the collection agency who is trying to collect on it, there is nothing they can do to you to force you to pay it. They can harass and threaten you all they want, but they have no legal recourse. It takes a court order to garnish your wages, so if your case never went to court, and it's over 5 years old, they cannot take it into court. Well, let me correct that - they can try, but all you have to do is show up for the court date (alone, no expensive attorney needed), and tell the judge that the bill is over 5 years old, and past the statute of limitations for collecting, and the judge will have no choice but to dismiss the case. Now the collection agency is out even more money, and they still can't collect on your debt. It is always best to avoid the whole court thing though, and just send the collection agency a letter letting them know that they are trying to collect on a debt that is past the statute of limitations in your state, and that you know there is nothing they can do to you legally, so they may as well save their money and quit bothering you with letters and phone calls. Now, they were correct on the credit report entry. Even if your state has a 5 year statute of limitation, and the bill cannot be collected on in court, it will still remain on your credit report until it is 7 years old, and then it will drop off.

What does a post dated check mean?

Postdating is to put a date on the check for some time in the future, not the current date. Technically a check is a contract, so if a person took a check into the bank and it was dated for tomorrow, they could not cash it.