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Q: What is the storage form of carbohydrate called?
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What carbohydrate is the main storage substance in a plant?

in the form of the polysaccharide starch

What is the animal storage carbohydrate?

Animals store carbohydrate in the form of glycogen. This is the secondary storage tissue in animals after adipose tissue. Plants store carbohydrates in the form of starch.

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What complex carbohydrate is a storage form of energy in plants?


What is the stored form of carbohydrate in plants and animals respictively?

Starch is the storage form of carbohydrates in plants. In contrast, glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in animals.

What is a storage form of carbohydrate in muscle?

Carbohydrates are mainly stored as glycogen.

What is the monomeric form of a carbohydrate called?


What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body and where is it stored?

The primary form of carbohydrate is glucose. It is also the preferred energy source of the body.

Which carbohydrate is changed into for storage?


What is The main function of glycogen is?

A carbohydrate storage molecule in animals that can be accessed faster than fat molecules.Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi.

What kind of carbohydrate do plants use to store energy?

Carbohydrates are stored as complex sugars. The larger molecules are called starch and bigger than that is cellulose.

What is an example of an animal storage carbohydrate?
