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Thetis, mother of Achilles, tried to make him invulnerable by putting him into the waters of the Styx (a river of Hades) but the heel by which she held him was not touched by the Styx's waters, and failed to be protected.

In the Iliad, Homer does not mention this weakness of Achilles' heel.

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Achilles heel means a weakness of yours or your weakest point either physically or in a strategy.

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Q: What is the story of Achilles' heel?
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What heel was Achilles week heel?

The left heel was Achilles week heel.

The Achilles heel rises from what?

It is taken from the story 'the Illiad'. The hero Achilles had been dipped in the sacred river by his mother to make invulnerable to weapon attack; all of him got this power except his heel, which she was holding. So an Achilles heel is the weak spot.

what story was about Achilles?

The story of Achilles is featured in Greek mythology and focuses on his role in the Trojan War. Achilles is a skilled warrior who was invulnerable except for his heel. He is known for his bravery in battle, his close friendship with Patroclus, and his eventual death from a wound to his heel inflicted by Paris.

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Is the Achilles tendon in the heel knee or toe?

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What was Achilles's weak spot?

Achilles' heel was his weak spot thus the saying that someone's weakness is their "Achilles heel."

Where does Achilles die?

Achilles died at Troy when Paris shot him in the heel with an arrow. In some versions of the story, Apollo guides the arrow to Achilles heel. Some versions say the arrow was poisoned. The Iliad ends before Achilles' death.

How do you use Achilles' heel ina sentence?

Society's achilles' heel is the politician. (Since heel is singular, so is "is", and not are.)

Why is the tendon above the heel called the Achilles heel?

It was named after the hero "Achilles", who was killed when an arrow penetrated his heel.

What do you do to get relief from Achilles heel?

smoother your Achilles heel in fresh karagh to let it relax

Sentence with Achilles heel?

His inability to endure long distance running is his Achilles heel.