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Day No. Creative Works Texts

1 Light; division between day and night Ge 1:3-5

2 Expanse, a division between waters

beneath the expanse and waters above it Ge 1:6-8

3 Dry land; vegetation Ge 1:9-13

4 Heavenly luminaries become discernible

from earth Ge 1:14-19

5 Aquatic souls and flying creatures Ge 1:20-23

6 Land animals; man Ge 1:24-31

It must be noted the the creative "days" were not a period of 24 hours as Genesis 2:4, speaks of all the creative periods as one "day." Later the apostle Peter was inspired to write that "one day is with Jehovah (Yaweh) as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." (2Pe 3:8) That each creative "day" may have spanned thousands of years harmonizes with the evidence found in the earth itself.

*chart from Insight on the Scriptures published by The Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society

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Q: What is the story of Adam and Eve and the creation of the world in Christianity?
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Another response from our community:It is not a myth or story.

What is the creation story for any religon?

For example, in Christianity, the creation story is outlined in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It describes how God created the world in six days, culminating in the creation of humans, Adam and Eve, who were made in God's image and given dominion over the Earth.

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The story of creation can be found in Genesis 1. The creation of Adam and Eve can be found in Genesis 2.

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Both Christian and Muslim creation stories share similarities, such as the belief in a single, all-powerful God as the creator. However, they differ in some details like the timeline of creation and the role of Adam and Eve. In Christianity, Adam and Eve are seen as the first humans who disobeyed God, leading to the concept of original sin, while in Islam, Adam and Eve's disobedience is seen as a mistake that was forgiven by God.

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No she is a character in a monotheistic creation story, therefore only one god exists, meaning goddesses do not exists in the religions which believe in Adam and Eve. She is told to be the wife of Adam, the worlds first woman, in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

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That would be Adam in the story of creation in Genesis.

What did God Create after Adam?

In the second biblical creation story (Genesis 2:4b-20), God's creation of Adam was the first act of creation. God then planted a garden eastward of Eden.For more information, please visit:

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Adam and Eve

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