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Q: What is the strategy to find the subject of a sentence?
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What is a strategy you can use to find the subject of the sentence?

turn the sentence into a question

What strategy can you use to find the sentence in the subject?

It is the word the verb is taking action on.

Where can you find the subject and verb in a sentence?

The subject is often near the start of a sentence: it is the thing or person that the sentence is about, and for an action verb, it is the thing or person performing the action. The verb is the action or state described in the sentence: what the subject does or is.

What is a strategy that you can use to find the subject of a sentence?

Look for the person or thing performing the action in the sentence. This is usually the subject. Pay attention to the verb in the sentence and ask yourself "who" or "what" is doing the action. Sometimes the subject can be hidden or implied, so be sure to consider context and word order to determine the subject.

What is the simple subject for the sentence 'Did you find your wallet'?

The simple subject in the sentence "Did you find your wallet" is "you."

What is the simple subject or this sentence did you find your wallet?

The simple subject of the sentence is "you".

What is the sinple subject of this sentence Did you find your wallet?

The simple subject of the sentence is "you."

How To find the subject of a sentence?

To find the subject of a sentence, identify who or what the sentence is about. The subject is typically a noun or pronoun that performs the action of the sentence. Look for the main verb in the sentence, and ask who or what is doing that action. That will be your subject.

What is the subject of the sentence Jane ran all the way home?

Jane is the subject of the sentence. An easy way to find the subject is ask yourself, "Who are what did the action?"

What is simple subject of this sentence. Did you find your wallet?


What is the simple subject of this sentence did you find your wallet?


Which strategy that you can use to find the subject of a sentence?

To find the subject of a sentence, identify who or what is performing the action in the sentence. Look for the main noun or pronoun that is being talked about or performing the verb in the sentence. The subject is typically located at the beginning of a sentence, but it can also appear after the verb in questions or commands.