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The peak force of a sneeze as it explodes from your mouth and nose is similar to that of a fire hose. The respiratory droplets are sent flying at a speed that is just over 100 mph in many cases, and on average these are flung about a 12 foot distance from you, but sometimes as far as 16 feet. They are surprisingly powerful.

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85% of the speed of sound or about 630 miles per hour.

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A rhyme denotes what happens when you sneeze on certain days of the week what happens on Tuesday?

If you sneeze on a Tuesday, you will kiss a stranger. The whole rhyme goes: If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger; Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger; Sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter; Sneeze on a Thursday, something better; Sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on a Saturday, see your sweetheart to-morrow.

Why is a sneeze called a sneeze?

Because when you sneeze the sound you make is "SNEEZE!" ^No, it really isn't. I've not heard one person say "SNEEZE" when they sneeze, ever in my life. I've heard people say "Achoo", "Atishoo" and other ones, but never "SNEEZE".

When you must sneeze sneeze into your?


What do you do if you get pepper in your proboscis?

you sneeze

Why do you never sneeze just one time?

Some people only sneeze once. Like me but my sneeze is a scream. I sneeze from my throat so that is probably why I only sneeze once. When you sneeze it is normally because your nasal passages are filled with mucus and your body is trying to remove it. When you sneeze multiple times it is just a reaction. Have you noticed if someone tickles your nose or you look at the sun you sneeze? After one sneeze some people have that tickle feeling so they sneeze repeatedly.

Why does your body ache after you sneeze?

When you sneeze, it takes all of the strength of your diaphragm. It is one of the only times when the full strength of the diaphragm is actually used. It also requires support from your abdominal muscles and perenial muscles, which help to give the diaphragm support and "leverage" for lack of a better word. A sneeze usually comes out around 100 miles an hour. This takes an enormous amount of strength. This can cause the muscles in your perineum to ache afterwards, especially if you have just had an orgasm or done anything else that uses those muscles. Try kegel excersizes to prevent this by strengthening these muscles: Wikipedia page on sneezing (be sure to check the discussion page): -DJ Craig

Can monkeys sneeze?

Yes, monkeys can sneeze.

Can you sneeze on a plane?

yes you can sneeze anywhere

Do koalas sneeze?

Certainly koalas can sneeze.

What is a sneeze fetish?

A sneeze fetish is when you like when people sneeze around you. It may or may not turn you on, but you like the way a sneeze sounds or even looks. The intense build-up to a sneeze is almost orgasmic, and people say that a sneeze is just 1/8 of an orgasm.

What part of speech is the word sneeze?

"Sneeze" is a verb.

Do you need to sneeze?

Everyone needs to sneeze sometimes.