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The subject of this sentence is Enrico's mom. The predicate of this sentence is has photos of her trip to South America.

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Q: What is the subject and predicate for this sentence Enrico's mom has photos of her trip to South America?
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The predicate states what the subject does, is doing, or has done in a sentence.

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A subject and a predicate.

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The main rule is that the subject and predicate must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the predicate should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the predicate should be plural as well. Additionally, the subject and predicate must agree in person - if the subject is in first person, the predicate should also be in first person, and so on.

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The predicate part of the sentence tells what the subject does or has. It can also describe what the subject is or is like.

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A sentence is made up of two parts, a subject and a predicate. The subject is the subject of the sentence, and the predicate is the verb.

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A sentence is made up of two parts, a subject and a predicate. The subject is the subject of the sentence, and the predicate is the verb.

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two parts of a sentence are: 1. subject and 2. predicate