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Q: What is the substance allows x-rays to pass through and appears black or dark gray on the resulting film?
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What happens if light passes through substance?

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Insulator is a substance that does not allow heat to pass through it example air. conductor is a substance that allows heat to pass through it example metal.

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The filtration of a colloidal substance through a semipermeable medium that allows only the passage of small molecules.

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A pervious is a substance that allows water to directly pass through it. For example, some forms of concrete are considered to be pervious.

What is a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through?

A conductor is a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through. A few examples of conductors are:WaterMetalAir (although not a good conductor is still a conductor)graphiteSalts and solutions of saltsPlasma (ionized gas)Vacuum that contains free electrons or ions

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Opaque is antonym for transparent. Transparency allows light to pass through. Glass, water are examples. If light is not allowed to pass through then such a substance is termed as opaque.

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Hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a water molecule is added to a substance resulting in the split of that substance into two parts. It helps form and structure as well as function the glycosidic bonds to formate it. It allows it to corespond with its bonds and keep it sustained.