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the name is sumer

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Q: What is the sumerian city-state of kish's modern city name?
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Which is not a Sumerian city?

Sumerian city-states were the center of the Sumerian culture. The cities Patron Deity: Modern Day Name: Biblical Name: not mentioned in the Bible.

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What were the differences between a Sumerian village and a Sumerian city-state?

A Sumerian city-state contained of a village and a city.

What was the ancient Sumerian religious city?

The city of Ur was the ancient Sumerian's religious city.

Why was trade important to Sumerian city states?

what was trade important to sumerian city states

Was Abraham a sumerian?

I guess he was. He came from Ur a Sumerian city.

What was it the sumerian city- states shared?

The Sumerian city states shared language. This is a form of communication.

What did sumerian city states fight over?

Sumerian city-states fought over farmland

What is a citystate?

a city which has it's own government and militaryIt is a state with a large well known city in it

What is a political unit consisting of a city and its surrounding land?

A city-state, used in many early civilizations.

What is a Sumerian city?

A city-state, for example, is Shuruppak.

What is Ancient Sumerian city?

the religious city is Ur