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The Torah was given from God (Exodus 24:12) and provides knowledge, guidance, inspiration, awe and reverence, advice, law, comfort, history and more. It is the basis of Judaism.

In its narrative portions, the Torah contains the following.

The Torah describes God's creation of the world and living things (Genesis ch.1), mankind (ch.1-2), the first sin (ch.3), the great Flood (ch.6-8), the family trees (ch.4, 5,10-11, 25), the lives of Abraham (ch.11-25), Isaac (ch.26-7), Jacob (ch.25-50), and Joseph (ch.37-50);

The life of Moses (Exodus ch.2...), the slavery in Egypt (Exodus ch.1 and 5), the Plagues (ibid. ch.7-12), theExodus (ch.12), the Crossing of the split Sea of Reeds (ch.14), the Manna (ch.16), the Revelation at Mount Sinai (ch.19), the Covenant (ch.19 and 24), the building of the Tabernacle (ch.35-40);


The inauguration of the Tabernacle (ch.8-9).


The quail (Numbers ch.11), the incident of the Spies (Numbers ch.13), the rebellion of Korach (ch.16), the death of Miriam (ch.20) and Aaron (ch.21), the attempted curses of Bil'am (ch.22-24), the war against Midian (ch.31), other incidents in the wilderness (various passages).


The death of Moses (Deuteronomy ch.34).
There is still a lot of space left over in the Five Books, which contains laws, beliefs and more.See also:

What is the purpose of the Torah?

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That which is hateful to you, do not do to others. The rest is just commentary, now go read the commentary.

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