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Al-Tawbah ,"The Repentance".

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Q: What is the surah name without bismillahir rahmanir raheem?
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Why is bismillahir rahmanir raheem numbered as an ayat in surah fathihah and not in the rest of the surahs?

Because of it's Opening Surah which means "Al-Fatiha" in Arabic language. However Allah knows best!

How many Sura start with Alhamduallah?

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله Every chapter in the Holy Quran except one begins with Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That's 113 chapters. The one that doesn't begin with Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is Surah Tawbah (no 9). Abu Zahra

Which surah has bess mallah twice?

Al-Naml (The Ant), has the full basmalah (Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem) twice. The first is at the beginning of the Surah & the other is in the verse 30Hud, has (Bess mellah) twice, in the verse 41 & as a part of the full Basmalah in the beginning of the surah.

In which surah bismillah has come two times?

Al-Naml (The Ant), has the FULL basmalah (Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem) twice. The first is at the beginning of the Surah & the other is in the verse 30Hud, has (Bess mellah) twice, in the verse 41 & as a part of the full Basmalah in the beginning of the surah.

Which surah without meem?

Surah Al-Fatiha is the only Surah in the Quran that does not contain the letter "meem."

Which surah is biggest surah Ibrahim surah Nuh surah Muhammed surah Yusuf surah Yunus?

Out of the ones you were asking, Surah Yusuf is the largest-It has the most ayahs. Surah Ibrahim- I think 53 ayahs Surah Yunus-109 Surah Yusuf- 111

Which surah is known as bab ul quran?


Which surah name is called surah saba-masani?

surah fatiha

Is surah nasr makki?

It is a Madani surah. But it was revealed in Makkah.

What does bisimiallah qul hu allah hu ahad allahas samad lam yulid wa lam yulad wa lam yu qul lahu kufu wan ahad mean in arabic?

BISMILLA HIR RAHMANIR RAHEEM: In the Name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful QUL HU-WAL-LAHU AHAD: He is ALLAH the One and Only, ALLA-HUS-SAMAD: ALLAH, the Eternal, Absolute, LAM YALID WA LAM YULAD: He begets not, nor is he begotten WA LAM YAKUL-LAHU KUFU-WAN AHAD: and there is none like unto Him. SURAH AL IKHLAS, QU'RAN 112:1-4

List all the surahs that are named after the prophets?

Surah Yunus Surah Yusuf Surah Ibrahim Surah Muhammed Surah Nuh. i am not sure if these are all of them but this is what i got...

Which surahs in the quran start with ha meem?

Surah Ghafir, Surah Fussilat, Surah Shuraa, Surah Zukhruf, Surah Dukhan, Surah Jathiyah and Surah Ahqaf.