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Steel washers come in a variety of sizes. However, washers usually have an outer diamete of about twice the width of their inner diameter.

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Q: What is the surface area of a steel washer?
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How can you fit an over sized steel rod into a small steel washer?

by heating washer

What is formula to calculate the area of steel bar?

For surface area of steel bar= pi*diameter*length For cross-sectional area of steel bar= pi (dia)^2/4

What is the use of a washer?

A simple metal washer--to increase the surface tension area of the screw or lag head. A rubber or plastic washer is usually used to help seal connections from leakage.

How much synthetic enamel paint is required per ton of structural steel?

That is impossible to answer as paint is applied to a surface and while you have told us the WEIGHT of the steel to be painted, the information we need to know is the surface area of the steel.

Will a magnet attract a washer?

Yes, if the washer is made from ferromagnetic metal (iron, steel).

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Which surface has the biggest lumps on its surface ice rubber or steel?

it is steel fam

Is there a small portable washer I could take on vaccation with me for my clothes?

There is the Haier HERHLP21E Portable Washer with Stainless Steel Tub.

Is stainless steel a nonporous surface?

Yes, we generally consider stainless steel to be a nonporous surface.

Does steel get rust easily?

Yes. The steel is very high affinity for oxygen. The steel is harder than it is oxidized. Need to avoid oxidizing the surface of steel, steel coated with grease or oil can. Or to paint the steel surface.

How heavy is the Haier HERHLP21E Portable Washer with Stainless Steel Tub?

The Haier HLP21E Top Load Washer weighs 37 pounds.

Would steal wool have a reaction when its wet and put into a container?

It might oxidize (rust). Steel wool has a large surface area, far greater than say a sphere of the same weight. More surface area means quicker oxidization.