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pulmonary infiltrate

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Q: What is the term describing solid material within the air spaces of the lungs as noted on an x-ray?
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Which condition results in the irreversible enlargement of the air spaces in the lungs?

Emphysema is the irreversible enlargement of the air spaces in the lungs.

What are the air spaces in the lungs called?

The air spaces in the lungs are called pulmonary alveoli. They are where gas exchange occurs in the lungs of mammals.

Spaces in the chest between the lungs?


The branching tubes within the lungs end at small?

The branching tubes within the lungs end at small alveoli.

What are the actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the?

The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the alvioli.

What is the medical term for the air spaces in the lungs?

Alveoli are grape-like air spaces at the distal ends of the bronchial upside-down tree.

What are tiny air spaces in the lungs by blood capillaries?

Alveoli. Singular is alveolus.

Lungs are apart from the what?

Lungs are part of the circulatory system within the human body.

What is tiny sacs within the lungs which increases the respiratory surface?

The alveoli in the lungs.

What traps material that should not go into your lungs?

the epiglotus

Why the ash from a volcanic eruption can be hazardous?

The pyroclastic material and bits of rock can get into your lungs and cut up your lungs.

What is the medical term for material coughed up from the lungs?

Coughing and spitting blood from the lungs is known as haemoptysis