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I think the word tribute might be a match for your definition.

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Q: What is the term for a payment in money or slaves made to a stronger ruler?
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What is a payment to a more powerful ruler or country?

Tribute is a payment made by a less powerful ruler or country to a more powerful one as a sign of submission or loyalty. It can be in the form of money, goods, or resources.

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Because the bond between metal atoms is stronger than plastic.

What is a ruler to Scrooge?

Money was his ruler

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spell check

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did montesquien advocated a type of goverement tightly by a stronger ruler

Who was the ruler of Delhi sultanate banned export of slaves from India?

Firoz Shah Tugluq

How do you take money out of a glass piggy bank?

Either use the blade of a knife inserted into the slot to remove the coins one at a time. Remove the cap on the base, if it has one, that is designed for the removal of money or.. smash it.or Get a ruler then put glue on the ruler to make a sticky ruler.Put the ruler inside the Piggy Bank and then move the sticky ruler aroundPull the ruler out. There should be money on the end where you applied glue.

What if Hades was ruler?

we would all be slaves for him. The underworld would be brought up to the surface. Hell will arise.

What type of social class did the Qin dynasty have?

The ruler was at the top, and slaves/merchants were at the bottom. fill in the rest

What French ruler needed money for?

Napoleon needed money to continue the European War.

Who was Darius in Ancient Egypt?

Darius the mede was a ruler that let slaves keep their religion and greatly expanded persia.