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Q: What is the term for a rapid mass movement that flows downhill over a curved surface?
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What is the term for the rapid mass movement that flows downhill?

A slump

Water that flows downhill along Earths surface is called?

Runoff is the water flowing downhill across the surface of the Earth.

Where does surface water travel?

Surface water flows downhill or seeps into the ground becoming groundwater. The natural flow of surface water is downhill or seaward. See the related link for more information.

Mass of wet sediment that flows downhill over the ground surface is called?


Does gravity plays a role in the movement of glaciers?

Yes, it does. A glacier is a river of ice flowing downhill, just like a river of water flows downhill but slower.

What happens when water flows downhill?

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When is snow flows downhill what is it called?

An avalanche

What is the sourde of the river?

The source of a river is usually a spring. Rain sinks into soil or rock layers, then flows downhill until a point where it emerges, which is called a spring. The water then flows downhill on the surface as a river. Some rivers, however, source from the melting ice and snow at the tops of very tall mountains.

Why does surface runoff flow towards the ocean?

Because the oceans are at sea level and the rivers are always above sea level, meaning that water flows downhill.

Why does the Amazon flow east?

Water flows downhill, and the topography of that region just happens to be downhill to the east.

What is lava and how does it flow?

Lava flows because it is a liquid; it is rock that has been heated to above its melting point. As a viscous liquid it flows downhill under the influence of gravity like syrup across a tilted plate.