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There isn't a specific term for it. the closest is Ichthoyophobia, the fear of fish.

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Q: What is the term for fear of salmonella?
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What is the common term for a salmonella?

love is the common term of salmonella plus when you have a boyfriend your salmonella is inlove

What is salmonella enteric?

Enteric fever is the name given to typhoid fever. It is caused by bacillus salmonella typhimurium. You do not have non salmonella enteric fever. So salmonella enteric is not very correct term. But still the term is used to stress the seriousness of the disease.

What phobia is the phobia of fear?

There is probably no specific term for that. But there is a specific term for the one who asked this question. Genius!!!!

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Caligynephobia is the fear of beautiful women. I have not found a medical term specific to the fear of women alone.

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There does not appear to be a phobia term for the fear of being confused. However, phobophobia is the fear of being afraid.

What is the medical term for the fear of remembering?

Mnemophobia, the fear of memories.

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There is no term for a fear of drawing.

What is the fear of leprechauns?

There is no officially recognized term for the fear of leprechauns.

What phobia is the fear of bubbles?

The term for the fear of bubbles is 'Ebulliophobia'.

What phobia is the fear of fear?

We use the term phobophobia to name the fear of fear or of phobias. (The word phobia comes from the Greek for fear.)

What is the African Luhya term for the English word fear?

The African Luhya term for the English word fear is "kha."

What does the term 'emetophobia' mean?

The term 'emetophobia' is of Greek origin. It is the fear of vomiting. It can be closely related to other fears such as the fear of food. It is a very common fear.