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It is non-exsistent.

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Q: What is the term for something that can't exist?
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Yes, it's POSSIBLE. But the hypothesis is, almost by definition, meaningless. Basically the question is, "Might something exist that we can never possibly know if it exists?" I mean, what is the difference something that we can never know about its existence and something that doesn't actually exist?

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Because a man cant live without a woman the water cant exist with out the fir and everything has to depend on something else there isn't a logical explanation. That's just how the world is!

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Nope.... it cant

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If something exists and nothing doesn't exist then nothing is never better than something. Nothing does not exist so it can't be better than something. Answer Or...if you have something but it's terrible or miserable then...nothing CAN be better than something. :-)

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Why does subraction does not exist?

technically math does not exist because you cant just look at something and indentify it as a number ie: there are four fish and you point to the tank and say that is four. To answer your question subtraction does not exist because it can be put in terms of adding a negative number ie: 5-4=5+(-4)