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No, there is no scientific proof. No one knows how to truly measure something like a ghost, and so there's no scientific way of knowing if they exist.

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Q: Is there scientific proof that ghost exist?
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What proof is there to prove that ghosts exist?

There is no proof that ghosts exist. Until there is, they are not real. Ghost Buster

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There is no scientific proof that ghosts exist but there are thousands of photographs(not to mention audio or video!):)

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well i thank so because my computer was working than it said that it had a ghost in the computer and i took it in to see if it had a virus and it did not so i say yes

What does the word phantom mean?

A phantom is a spirit or ghost. A phantom could also refer to a person who is as hard to find as a ghost. There is a cartoon character called The Phantom who is a crime fighter with a secret identity. There is no scientific proof that actual phantoms exist, but many people believe in them.

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There is no scientific evidence that ghosts exist. The things that people have sometimes alleged to be proof of the existence of ghosts are usually explicable by other causes, particularly human psychology.

Is it true ghost come and haunte you yes or no?

There is no scientific proof of their existence yet. So, no until that changes.