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6d ago

The term for the lumps that form when acid is added to milk is called curds. This process is known as curdling, where the protein in the milk coagulates and separates from the liquid whey.

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Q: What is the term for the lumps that form when acid is added to milk?
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What is the terms for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk?

The terms for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk are curds and whey. This process is called curdling, and it is used in making cheese and other dairy products.

What is the term for lumps that form when acid is added to milk?


What is the term for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk?

The term for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk is curds.

Is the term for the lumps that form when an acid is added to milk precipitation?

This product is called sour milk. It causes milk for form a coagulate. It is not a precipitate as it doesn't separate into a solid and a liquid. Cheese making would use that method.

What is the term for the lumps that form when an is added to milk?

The answer is curds or curdles.

What is the term for the lumps when acid is added to milk?

When rennet (a complex of enzyme) is added to whole milk, a separation takes place into solid curds, and liquid whey.

What is the tem for the lums that form when an acid is added to milk?


What is the term for the lump that form when an acid is added to milk?

The answer is curds or curdles.

Is curds the same as bean curd?

There are many types of curds. Many foods will form clumps that are referred to as curds. Cheese is probably the most common. If you are referring to curds and whey, then you are referring to lumps of cheese floating in the water that separates from milk when acid is added and the milk protein clumps together to form cheese.

How do you explain what happened to the milk if the vinegar spilled and give a simple experiment to explain happened?

When vinegar is added to milk, a chemical reaction occurs causing the milk to curdle and form lumps. This is due to the acid in vinegar causing the proteins in the milk to denature and clump together, separating into curds (solid) and whey (liquid). To show this, you can pour vinegar into a beaker of milk and observe how the milk starts to curdle and separate into curds and whey.

Why does milk curdle when ascorbic acid or fruit juice is added?

yes it does. anything that contains acid will make the milk curdle

How is butter harvested?

A cow is milked. Cream rises to the top of the milk as it sits. The cream is skimmed off. The cream is then agitated until the milk fat in the cream separates from the whey in the cream and forms lumps of butter. These lumps are then pressed into sticks of butter. Sometimes salt is added.