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During the Republic the Romans did not have a centralised executive. They had a number of elected officers of state who carried out their duties within certain remits. The consuls were the heads of state, the praetor was like a chief of justice, the quaestor was a treasurer, and the aediles managed the maintenance of public buildings, regulated festivals and were responsible for public order. The term of these offices was annual. The tem of the censor, who carried out the census, oversaw public morality, was responsible for public works and enrolled the senators, was eighteen months.

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Q: What is the term of for the executive for the roman republic?
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Not exactly, although the Senate was the ultimate advising authority. There were other officials who could make what we would term executive decisions, such as praetors, aediles and the tribunes.

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It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian. Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.

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Rule by the rich is called oligarchy. The term is applied to any society which is ruled by the rich, not just the Roman republic. It is a term which comes from Greek.

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The government of the Roman Republic changed automatically. The consuls, the two heads of the Republic, were elected annually. The one-year term of office meant that the government changed annually. The Republic did not have a centralised form of executive government, like an administration or a cabinet. There were five types of elected officers of state who acted independently within the remit of their office.

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All Roman officials normally served a term of one year. After Julius Caesar's death, the second triumvirate was formed and that was the longest governing term of the same men in the republic.

How long is a roman republic tribunes term of office?

one year.

How many positions were there in the Roman government?

During the Roman Republic there were five types of executive officers of state: the consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors.

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During the republic the government was headed by the consuls. They also commanded the army, but other officials, called praetors, could also raise and command an army. Governors of provinces also had this right.