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Q: What is the texting symbol for a hug?
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GBH means Great Big Hug or Ginormous Big Hug...

Is O the symbol for hug?


Why is o a symbol for a hug as in xoxo kiss hug kiss hug?

O is the symbol for kiss, when you kiss your lips kind of make an "o" shape but just kinda. X is for hugs, when you hug your arms kind of make a "x" shape.

How do you make symbol hug?

There is no actual symbol. Generally people only put an 'x'

How can you make the Batman symbol texting?

_/\*-*/\_ / _^ ^ _ \ \/ \/ \/ Closet I could get(:

What is the best way to flirt with your crush?

Small talk , if you have texting text with him / her, hug alot , and always steal his attention . (:

Is o a kiss and x a hug?

I think that the symbol for kiss is when a boy looks at your lips for a long time You are getting mixed up with "sign" for someone wanting to kiss. The symbol for kiss is "x".

How do you do a hug symbol on Facebook?

^__^ ^o^ -_- <3 =0 =X :) *hugs* do dat elp?

What does it mean when you see text next to the less than symbol on Twitter and there's nothing to compare it to?

When someone puts ">" it means greater than. And less than is "<". Example: If you like texting you would put: TEXTING > If you don't like texting you would put TEXTING <

What does the code .v mean in texting?

In texting there are many different codes and meaning for letter and symbol combinations. The .V combination is a way of making the letter and dot look like Pac-Man.

Can you give someone a virtual hug?

Sure ! The symbol "xx" can stand for a hug ( and "oo" stands for a kiss) . Many people sign their emails and greeting cards by adding "xo" or "xoxo" to signify a hug and a kiss for their recipient. Hugging is such a wonderful thing, it signifies such kindness!