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The pain of memories comes from reliving past experiences that caused hurt or suffering. However, through this pain, we can gain wisdom by learning from our past mistakes and growing stronger as individuals. This wisdom helps us navigate future challenges with more insight and resilience.

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Q: What is the the pain of memories and the wisdom?
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He will gain many memories of pain and some of joy. He will acquire wisdom for them

Why did Jonas have to receive and store memories of pain?

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Jonas had to receive and store memories of pain because it's part of his role as the Receiver of Memory to hold the collective memories of humanity, both joyful and painful. By experiencing pain, he gains wisdom, empathy, and understanding of the complexities of life, which helps him guide the community towards a better future.

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Jonas will gain wisdom

In the giver according to the giver why does Jonas have to receive and store memories of pain?

The Giver believes that Jonas needs to experience pain to understand true happiness and make meaningful connections with others. By experiencing pain, Jonas gains wisdom and empathy, which are crucial for him to appreciate the beauty of life and make choices that challenge the status quo in his community.

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