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Q: What is the thin layer of dividing cells called that are responsible for growth?
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What is cambium ring?

the ring of activity dividing cells responsible for lateral growth in plants is called cambium ring.

Does Cambium carry food down through plants?

No, cambium consists of actively dividing cells that are responsible for secondary growth in plants.

Enzyme responsible for indefinite growth of human cancer cells?

Telomerase is responsible for indefinite growth of human cancer cells.

How do cells multiply by dividing?

Cells multiply by dividing ( which is an oxymoron) is done by the process called Mitosis.

What is the function of the cambium?

The cambium is the layer of actively dividing cells between the xylem and phloem tissues of plants. It is responsible for the secondary growth of plants.

What is a growth defect in cells?

A growth defect in cells is called you !

What do cells need before division?

Cells are in endocytosis when they are not dividing, this is just maintaing life and growth to divide again.

How is cell division responsible for growth?

Cell division is responsible for growth because the new cells replace the dead cells in an organism. The new cells keep the organism alive by continuing to the job of the cell that it divided from.

What is the process of cells dividing into two identical cells?

This process is called mitosis.

What are dividing normal human cells called?

Healthy, non-cancerous cells.

What does cambium do for the stem?

Cambium, in plants can be defined as layers of actively dividing cells between xylem (wood) and phloem (bast) tissues that is responsible for the secondary growth of stems and roots. Secondary growth can be defined as occurring after the first season and results in increase in thickness

What does the stem do for the stem?

Cambium, in plants can be defined as layers of actively dividing cells between xylem (wood) and phloem (bast) tissues that is responsible for the secondary growth of stems and roots. Secondary growth can be defined as occurring after the first season and results in increase in thickness