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Q: What is the thing that has high calcium?
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How is dairy food high in calcium when there are no lumps of calcium metal?

For one thing calcium is highly reactive and does not occur naturally in it elemental form. The calcium in dairy products is in the form of calcium compounds, which contain the calcium ion, Ca2+. It is in this form the the body uses calcium anyway. Additionally, terms such as "high calcium" in dietary terms refer to what are actually relatively small amounts of a particular mineral or vitamin. A glass of milk only contains a few hundred milligrams of calcium.

Is calcite the same thing as calcium?

NO!!! Calcite is a compound of the element calcium and other element. Calcium is an element in its own right . Calcite is aname for the polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) . That is calcium carbomnate has adopted a hard crystalline structute.

Is whole milk high in calcium but also high in fat?

All Milk has a high calcium rate. Whole milk would have the same amount of Calcium as 2%, but yes, it would have more fat

Is calcite and calcium the same thing?

No. Calcite is calcium carbonate, CaCO3, which contains cacium ions. Calcium is the metallic element.

How can calcium be poisoning?

Calcium is an important mineral that the human body needs; it is present in bones and has a number of other functions as well. However, calcium comes in a variety of forms, not all of which are equally beneficial to the body. Metallic calcium would react with water to form calcium hydroxide, a powerful base with a very high pH which can dissolve flesh. Even then, I would not describe calcium hydroxide as poisonous so much as corrosive, but it could be lethal in any event. There are also other calcium compounds which are poisonous, not because of the calcium but because of the other component of the compound, for example, calcium cyanide.

Cheese is high in calcium what other nutrients is it high in?


What thing makes bone hard?


Is calcium liquid at room temperature?

No it is a solid. Calcium has a high melting point. Most metals (except mercury) have high melting points.

Which 2 foods are good for your bones?

Dairy products and any other food high in calcium. Spinach is an example of a vegetable high in calcium.

What is the medical term meaning high calcium?

Hypocalcemia is the condition resulting from abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood.

What do you mean by a high calcium level?

high protein can lead to kidney stones. high calcium can lead to deposits in bone joints. youll hear or feel your bones more.

Does calcium have a high point?

Fairly high. (842 to 848°C)