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Tigers breathe through their nasel section and mouth to deliver air to their lungs. The heart pumps oxygenated blood which provides support so the tigers can breathe. As they inhale oxygen they exhale out Carbon Dioxide. Answered By John Thomas.

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Tigers breathe through their nasel section and their mouth to deliver air to their lungs. Their heart oxygenates the blood to provide support for them to breathe. As tigers inhale oxygen they exhale Carbon Dioxide much like humans.


Tigers are mammals so their circulatory system is also very similar to that of humans. The tiger's heart has 4 chambers; there are 2 different heart chambers, one being for transporting the blood and the other for receiving the blood. The ventricles are much larger than the atria and their thick, muscular walls are used to forcefully pump the blood from the heart to the body and lungs.


Female tigers become sexually mature at about three to four years of age while male tigers become sexually mature later on at about four to five years of age.

A female tiger may enter estrus (the time when a female is receptive and capable of conceiving young) every three to nine weeks, and her receptivity lasts three to six days. In tropical climates, females may come into estrus throughout the year, though mating seems to be more frequent during the coolest months (November to April). In temperate regions however, females enter estrus and mate only during the winter months.

Females advertise their readiness to mate as well as (a few days before she enters estrus), she will scent-mark her range more frequently with distinctive smelling urine which is caused by specific urinary gland secretions. During estrus, the female may also roar and/or moan until she attracts a male. When a male approaches an estrous female, he may or may not answer her roars. The pair usually begin their courtship by circling each other and growling. During this the female may even try to run away from the male, but is quickly chased by him.

Eventually, the pair rubs their bodies against each other and copulation occurs. Copulation is very brief and is repeated frequently for five or six days.

Female tigers are induced ovulators, which mean the act of mating causes the female to release an egg for fertilization. Several days of mating interactions may be required to stimulate ovulation and guarantee fertilization of the egg. Both male and female tigers may have several mates over their lifetime.

Information Put Together By John Thomas.

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Tigers are mammals so their circulatory system is very similar to that of the humans. The tigers heart has 4 chambers; there are 2 different heart chambers; one that transports blood and one that receives blood. The ventricles are much larger than the atria and their wide, muscular walls are used to forcefully pump blood from the heart to the body and lungs. Answered By John Thomas

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A whtie bfeirnf ec frucbhdujcfcub vurfndfc educ dh ifcdncdc crurc eru educ there it is! The Tiger Reproduces Sexually, Which is Egg+sperm = Baby Tiger . The baby tiger becomes a adult and the Cycle Happens all over again.

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Tigers breath through their nasal section and their mouth. Oxygenated blood provides support for them to breathe. As they inhale they exhale Carbon Dioxide much like humans do. Answered By John Thomas

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Tigers use their respiratory system by breathing through their nasal section and mouth into their lungs. The blood pumped from their heart gets oxygenated so the tigers can breathe. As tigers inhale oxygen they exhale Carbon Dioxide much like humans. By John Thomas

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