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The State of New Jersey EPA recently sent me a bill for $311.00 claiming it was for consultation of a clean up site on my property in 2002. At the time my home heating tank was located underground and in order for the new property owner to secure homeowners insurance it was necessary for me to have the tank removed and the area cleaned. My insurance at the time payed for all expenses except for the first $800.00. the NJEPA in 2008 sent me a bill claiming that they had an audit and installed a new software program and that my bill fell through the cracks. They have since sent the bill to a collection agency to recover the fee. I requested the original billing and project notes but didn't not receive the original billing only the 2008 new billing. It also took the collection agency and the NJEPA to over 4 months to respond to my request. My suggestion was to contact Allstate Insurance Company to request the payment since they were the Project Managers and all bills were to be submitted to them during the project. My point is if they can legally request payment from me during any time frame and not produce the original workorders...what precludes anyone at anytime from doing the same thing? What is the time limit for billing?

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Q: What is the time limit for billing for a service provided if the contract states monthly billing?
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No. A service contract is personal property. See the related question link provided below.

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This is the amount of premium that a policyholder pays when he/she has chosen to pay it on a monthly basis. The annual premium is divided by twelve then any billing charge or service fee is added to the amount to get the monthly premium.

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Where can one find a billing service for business?

Finding the right billing service for a business depends on the type of business. Medical billing, for example, is a complete different type of billing service than a service for a typical retail business.

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Monthly charges for Yahoo DSL service varies by location, but in general it can be purchased for as low as $15. Many offers and bundles are provided to lower average costs and often times a $5 off deal is provided for six months.

Is billing for a service not performed considered insurance fraud?

Obviously, it's a fraud because a contract of insurance is a contract uf Utmost good faith technically known as uberrima fides.So, billing for a service not performed is a breach of contract and is liable for penal action by the insurance company against the policy holder committing the crime, leading to cancellation of the whole claim vis a vis denial for renewal of policy in future.

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Basically it is to pay business expenses. The cost of keeping track of the account, billing statements, postage, customer service expenses,and so forth. Every business includes costs of operation to whatever merchandize or services that are provided.

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Recurring billing is billing that happens more than one time - on a cycle, usually on a monthly or yearly basis. Utility bills are an example of recurring bills. With online recurring billing, customers' credit cards are charged each month (or week, day year etc. depending on the billing cycle) to pay for a service - usually SaaS (software as a service). There are a wide variety of internet programs that enable companies to automatically bill their customers on a billing cycle. Some of these companies are Chargify, CheddarGetter, Recurly and Spreedly.

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Every company's pricing depends on: -Company Popularity and User Base -Internet Speed and Type -Wired or Wireless -Hardware Supplied -Customer Service -Billing Method

How much does a billing service charge providers to do their medical billling?

Billing Services can charge a percentage of collections or per claim. Typical fees range from 4% - 12% depending on the type of provider and types of services provided.