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the vice president

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Q: What is the title given to the person who is second in command of the senate?
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Who was given overall command of the Greek forces during the second Persian invasion in 480 bc?

Sparta was given the command on sea (Eurybiades) and land (Pausanius).

What is commander?

A command is when a person is told to do something. A computer functions by being given commands. When the mouse clicks the screen, it is giving a command.

What happens to a bill when it reaches the full house or senate floor?

It's given a second reading

What is executive mandate?

Executive mandate is command or an authorization given by the person in charge.

What is divine command?

divine command is command given by God

To whom is the Unified Command Plan guidance and authority given?

It is given to Combatant Command.

Who was Hazrat Jaffar?

Hazrat jaffar was mohammed's second man/assistant in command but was never given the chance to rule over their followers.

What is different between shall and will?

Will and shall, both imply a command. "You will or shall wash the dishes." It is up to the person issuing the command which to use and the person to whom the command is given is expected to comply. May and could, imply permission or suggestion. "You may or could wash the dishes." It implies that it is up to the person receiving the request whether to comply or not.

Where do your second names come from?

Second or middle names are given to a person by their birth parents. These names usually come from a person within the family, like grandparents.

Who was wellington's second in command at the battle of Waterloo?

Henry Paget, who was the Earl of Uxbridge at the time.

Once a bill reaches the floor of the house or senate what happens to it?

If it starts in the Senate, then after the House it goes to The President for his approval. If it starts in the House, the Senate must then vote on it before The President sees it.

Is know a Command noun?

Yes, the word 'command' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun a word for an order give by a person with authority; the ability or authority to take control; a thing. The word 'command' is also a verb and an adjective. Example uses: Noun: The command was given to proceed. Verb: You may command their actions but you can't command how they feel. Adjective: We report to command headquarters in the morning.