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The trial of Galileo was the Church basically telling Galileo that he could only teach heliocentrism as a theory until he had proof. The Church had previously approved Copernicus and his theory of heliocentrism but Galileo was insisting that it was fact - and he was presenting no proof. The judges had nothing to go on but the Bible, and they said that absent proof they would have to stick with the Biblical account as it was written.


Galileo took umbrage and managed to get everyone angry, including the pope at that time, who up until then had been a personal friend of Galileo and had supported him. All that they were asking for was him to stick to his theory until he had proof. Instead he proceeded to malign the Church officials and the Pope for no good reason, thus getting everyone angry. For a full account of the entire sorry episode, please see the article below which presents the most recent findings about the entire affair.

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Q: What is the trial by the Catholic Church of Galileo?
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