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They are the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains.

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Q: What is the two Mountain chains that divide Europe and Asia?
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What 2 mountain ranges divide Europe from Asia?

The Ural and the Caucasus Mountain ranges divide Europe from Asia.

What two mountain chains separate Asia and Europe?

The Urals and the Caucus mountains.

What two mountain chains in Russia separate Asia and Europe?

The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains separate Asia and Europe.

What mountain range is Mount Elbrus?

The Western Caucasus mountain range, which divide Europe from Asia.

What mountain range is mount elbrus in?

The Western Caucasus mountain range, which divide Europe from Asia.

What mountain range divide Russia and separates Asia from Europe?

Mount Evrest

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Is moscow in Asia or Europe?

Moscow is west of the Urals, the mountain range usually considered as dividing Europe from Asia. Thus Moscow is in Europe.

What large mountain range separates asia and europe?

There are two mountain ranges dividing Europe and Asia: The Ural Mountains divided Russia and Kazakhstan, ultimately the continents of Europe and Asia. The Caucasus Mountains divide Georgia and Azerbaijan, ultimately the continents of Europe and Asia. Armenia, another Caucasus State that doesn't touch the Caucasus, is a geo-political European country. The Caucasus also run through Russia, but do not divide the country between Europe and Asia in this part.

What was the meeting to divide Europe?

Ural Mountains divide Asia from Europe.

What separates the mountains of Europe and Asia?

The mountain range that is located between Europe and Asia is the Urals.

What mountain range separtes Russia from Transcaucasia?

No mountain range separates Europe from Russia. Part of Russia is in Europe. What you are thinking about is what separates Europe from Asia. That is mainly the mountain range known as the Urals, and also the mountain range known as the Caucasus mountains. Most of Russia is in Asia.