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Q: What is the type of muscle fiber that contains more myoglobin?
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What is a fast fiber?

A Fast Oxidative Fiber is a type of muscle fiber with many mitochondria and capillaries. This type has a high myoglobin content. This type of muscle tires more quickly than the slow oxidative fibers and is an intermediate sized muscle. This muscle is good for sprinting and other short, fast-paced activities.

Why does dark meat have more fat?

Meat is the muscle of an animal and active muscle contains a myoglobin which makes it appear darker than less active muscle. Since chickens do not fly their legs are more active than their breast muscles (wild duck would be the opposite). The difference in fat content also relates to muscle activity. More active muscle has a higher metabolic need and fat is the most efficient energy source.

Exercise can do what?

make more muscle fiber

What is the difference between white and red meat?

Meat can be broadly classified as "red" or "white" depending on the concentration of myoglobin (a substance which helps the muscles utilize oxygen more effectively) in muscle fibre. When myoglobin is exposed to oxygen, reddish oxymyoglobin develops, making myoglobin-rich meat appear red. The redness of meat depends on species, animal age, and fibre type: Red meat contains more narrow muscle fibres that tend to operate over long periods without rest, while white meat contains more broad fibres that tend to work in short fast bursts.

What make the skeletal muscle bright red?

Because muscles need a lot of ATP for muscle contraction and it needs oxygen to make ATP, it has its own form of hemoglobin called myoglobin. The binding of oxygen to hemo(myo)globin is what gives the characteristic red color in both RBCs and muscle tissue.

What can Exercise?

make more muscle fiber

What are the changes in muscle with exercise?

Training in increases the vascularization of muscle so that more blood can be delivered to the tissue when active. In addition there is an increase in muscle mass, increased ability for metabolism with more myoglobin and more mitochondria in active tissue.

Does increased muscle density mean more myofibrils per muscle fiber?

Yes, it means that you will gain more myofibrils per muscle fiber. A muscle fiber is a muscle cell, and everybody has about the same number. When you train your muscles, they will develop more myofibrils inside the muscle cells. So you cannot change the number of muscle fibers, or cells, but you can change the number of fibers, or myofibrils, inside them. The end result is more muscle density, not more muscle cells.

exercise can do which of the following?

Make more muscle fiber.

What part of a whole grain contains more fiber?


Which cell contains more mitochondria?

muscle cell

Would you expect to find more or less myoglobin than average in the muscle tissue of whales if you were to examine it under the microscope?

You would find more myoglobin in the muscle tissue of whales because thy have to store more oxygen so that they can stay underwater for extended periods of time. This helps cellular respiration continue but without having to divert to the process of fermentation, which is basically the cells back up plan for glucose breakdown when oxygen isn't present.