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all phones are traceable, but you buy a pay phone (like one at a gas station) and pay with cash, unless then get you on video, you're good. They track phones through Tower Triagulation. It was invented in WWII as a pre-radar type thing, but now it is used for cell phone tracking. However, each phone is traced using its serial number, IMEI. You can buy (or make it yourself, if you're skilled enough) a phone that changes its IMEI randomly with every call, so that any particular call can be traced, but it should not be possible to link different calls, as long as they were made with different SIM cards. You can also re-program the phone to have a different IMEI, and this is what a lot of mobile phone thieves do to avoid the phone being blacklisted. This is the reason why it is now illegal to change your IMEI in many jurisdictions (you risk up to 5 years in prison and a fine in the UK). Easiest way of avoiding being traced is stealing a phone and ditching it after single use.

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Q: What is the untraceable cell phone and how can anyone trace the cell phone?
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To find an untraceable cell phone, do the "Rob an Electronics Store" job at the Enforcer tier in New York. there you will have a chance to loot randomly either of these 3 items: untraceable cell phone, concealable camera and computer set-up. You can also find an untraceable cell phone in Moscow, Episode 1, Baklany. Do the "Arrange a Drug Shipment for the Mafiya" job. You will have a chance to loot only the untraceable cell phone.

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I think the cell phone means untraceable cell phone. untraceable cell phones can be found at NY and in Moscow in Moscow it is job tier 1 chapter 1 job 2 and in ny it is enforcer tier rob an electronic store job.

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the job that gives you untraceable cell phone in Mafia Wars is the Rob an Electronics Store in the Enforcer job tier in New York, but it gives you randomly these 3 loot items: untraceable cell phone, concealable camera and computer set-up.

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Do the rob an electronics store job

What is the Untraceable Cell Phone in Mafia Wars for?

You'll at least need several for the Capo level jobs: Flip a Snitch and Dodge an FBI Tail.Its needed for jobs on CAPO and Consigliere levelCapo:Flip a Snitch: 1 Untraceable Cell PhoneDodge an FBI Tail: 1 Untraceable Cell PhoneConsigliere:Ransom a Businessman's Kid:1 Untraceable Cell PhoneUnderboss:Order a Hit on a Public Official: 1 Untraceable Cell PhoneAnd I'm not sure about boss: I haven't unlocked it yet :)YOU NEED:New York Mastery: 333Cuba Mastery: 79Moscow Mastery: 62 (Avtoritet Mafiya route only)Bangkok Mastery: 44

Where you can get untraceable phone?

You might be able to get an untraceable phone by purchasing the phone with cash at a phone kiosk. Use a name that is not your own to register the phone and make sure to keep the GPS turned off while using the phone.

How do you use the untraceable cell phone in Mafia Wars?

They're used in various jobs in later new york tiers!

Where you could find untraceable cell phone in mafia wars?

Rob an electronic store in enforcer tier of new york.

How easy is it to trace a cell phone's location?

There are apps that you can download to help secure your phone's information. It's not hard to trace a cell phones location for someone who knows what they are doing.

Where to get Mafia Wars untraceable cellphone?

do the job "Rob an Electronics Store" in the Enforcer tier in New York.. it'll give you a random loot of either untraceable cell phone, computer set up or concealable camera.