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Q: What is the upper layer of soil that contains decaying animal and plant matter?
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What is a fertile layer of decayed plant material called?

The Rigolirh, the roots are found in the Bedrock.

Is bedrock the part of soil that consists of decaying organic matter?

No, bedrock is not the part of soil that consists of decaying organic matter.Specifically, bedrock comprises one of six soil horizons or layers. Organic animal and plant matter decompose in the topmost layer and supply the layer immediately below with the humus content of A horizon's humus-mineral mix. Bedrock is found in sixth, bottommost layer which includes unweathered rock.

Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter the A horizon or O horizon?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter in a soil profile. It is the top layer of organic material such as decaying leaves, branches, and other plant debris that is actively decomposing. The A horizon, also known as the topsoil, is a layer rich in minerals and organic matter that is developed from the decomposition of plant material in the O horizon.

Which layer of the earth contains plant and animal life?


What part of the soil is formed by the decaying plant and animal remains?

The uppermost layer of the soil which is the O-horizon, and is called "Humus".

Which layer in soil contains the most organic matter?

the layer the contain the richest material is the top soil :)

What layer of soil contains a large amount of decayed matter?

the top one

Material formed from decaying leaves and other organic matter?

When leaves and other organic matter lie on the forest floor, they begin to decompose. This layer of decomposing organic material is called litter.

What atmosphere layer contains layer?

An atmospheric layer that contains layer is stratosphere. It contains ozone layer.

What layer does a fly frog live in?

the layer of mud under the layer of decaying leaves

Which soil layer contains the most humus?

the O-Horizon is the topmost soil so it has the most humus

Are unmyelinated axons in the cerebral cortex?

The cerebral cortex contains the bodies of neurons which appear grey (grey matter). The layer under the cortex contains myelinated axons (white matter).