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Bcc is blind or blank carbon copy. It is used when sending email to undisclosed individuals. Example, correspondence between you and an employee where the initiator of said conversation uses the bcc to a boss or other individuals and recipient of initial email doesn't know and can't see (blind) who ALL can also read email.

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Winston Stehr

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Bcc is blind or blank carbon copy. It is used when sending email to undisclosed individuals. Example, correspondence between you and an employee where the initiator of said conversation uses the bcc to a boss or other individuals and recipient of initial email doesn't know and can't see (blind) who ALL can also read email.

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Q: What is the use of Bcc field?
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How do you show only 1 address when sending multiple emails?

Put only one address in the "To" field, and put the others in the "Bcc" field. Bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy, which means that the recipients can see who was in the "To" field, but they cannot see who else got the message.

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serves encrypt all incoming and outgoing messages

What does Bcc mean when sending emails?

BCC means Blind Carbon Copy. Any emails addresses you enter into the BCC field will receive a copy of the email; however, this list will be concealed, so the original recipient of your email won't know it was copied to the people in the BCC list.CC means Carbon Copy, if using this field (as opposed to BCC), the recipients will see who else was copied on the email/ message.It means "blind carbon copy".If you are sending to multiple people none of the people will know who else you are sending it to.;)

When sending an email to numerous people which line should you use to prevent each recepient to see the other email addresses?

Bcc: Which stands for Blind Carbon Copy.

How do you use Bcc in sending email messages?

BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. When you use CC you let all the e-mail receivers know who received a copy of the e-mail. When you use BCC, the members of the BCC group are not revealed to the other people who receive the e-mail. If you receive an e-mail that shows the only recipient as the sender, it probably means that your e-mail address was included on the BCC line.

Does bcc is aware of bcc recipients?


Carbon copy in Email?

CC(Carbon Copy) is just another recipient to be sent a copy of the email. When you send an email with an email in the 'To' field and an email in the 'CC' field, the person in the 'To' field can see who was in the CC feild, although if you use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy), they can't.

When do you use the Bcc field in an email? it when you're sending an email to more then one person and you don't want the other people too see everyone else that you're sending it too. E.g.To: BobCC (carbon copy):JoyBCC: FredBCC: KimBob can see that the email was sent to Joy, but no one else.Joy can see that the email was sent to Bob, but no one else.Fred can see that the email was sent to Bob and Joy but doesn't know that it was sent to Kim.Kim can see that the email was sent to Bob and Joy but doesn't know that it was sent to Fred. BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Any email address that you put in this section will be invisible to anyone else who receives the email. BCC is very helpful if you want to send an email to a large list of people and you don't want them all to see who else is receiving the email. Another use: I want friend A to see what I am sending to friend B but I don't want friend B to know that friend A can see the message. Therefore I would put friend B in the "To:" section and friend A in the "BCC:"section.

What does Bc in a business document?

Normally seen as "Bcc" it means "Blind Carbon Copy." A recipient of a memo (usually an email) in the Bcc field receives the document, but does not see who else the document was sent to; they only see the sender.

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What does Bcc myself mean?

Blind carbon copy (BCC) to tertiary users who receive the message. The first and second users cannot see the tertiary users. Depending on e-mail software, the tertiary users may only see their own e-mail address in Bcc, or they may see the e-mail addresses of all users. One of the advantages of using BCC is that it cuts down on email headers. On some big email lists, the header can be longer than the email itself. If you use BCC then the header of all those in the TO and CC field can be minimized. One of the disadvantages of using BCC is that it can lead people to believe that you are being sneaky and sharing information with someone in order to under cut them in a political move.

How compiler do compilation?

Use a compiler program, such as bcc, gcc, javac, etc.