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The bitwise complement or one's complement operator (~) is used to switch the state of all the bits in a value. Thus 1's become 0, and 0's become 1.

One of its many uses is to unset individual bit(s) in a bitmap. We do this with a bitwise AND of the bitmap and the bitwise complement of the bit(s) we want to unset.

Original bitmap: 01011100

Bit to unset: 00000100 (e.g., bit 2 (bits are zero based from right))

// Using one's complement and bitwise AND

~00000100 & 01011100

11111011 (one's complement of bit 2)


01011100 (original bitmap)


01011000 (original bitmap with bit 2 unset)

Note that this formula works even if bit 2 were already unset:

11111011 (one's complement of bit 2)


01011000 (original bitmap, with bit 2 unset)


01011000 (original bitmap unchanged)

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